1. I started writing blogs mostly on the topics that women are interested in like skincare products, home decor, and also stuff like productivity and study hacks and I intend to earn money from affiliate links of recommended products. Is blogging haram for me as a I am a woman? Also, can I use close-up pictures of skin concerns while suggesting solutions for them? And can I use Amazon as a source of affiliate links( I am not sure if they are associated with the incidents of Gazza)?
2. I also create YouTube videos that only show product and product name or description. Can I use AI female voiceover for those videos as I can't use mine and also can't add any other music
Also, I would be grateful if I could get some suggestions by which a woman can earn money in halal way. I know it is not expected of a woman to earn money in Islam but I just have my circumstances where I am under the constant pressure of making money. Though I am desperate I don't really wanna go the way where Allah will be disappointed.